Quadbridge is a Value-Added Reseller focused on bringing our customers the best experience when procuring the IT software and equipment.
We focus on providing 3 levels of engagement with our customers.

Getting to know who you are, as a unique business within a specific industry, and as an individual with an important role to play in your organization.

How you manage your organization's Information Technology needs, and what your vision is for the future.

Determine the current state of operations.
Identify your desired outcomes, and document your success criterion
Setup touchpoints and drive project activities
Determine timelines, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - all towards your success
We follow industry best practice through the application of technology acquisition lifecycle management, to support the enablement of technologies to your organization. We will guide you through the 5 phases of your IT procurement, from PLANNING, ACQUIRING, DEPLOYING, MANAGING, and DISPOSING of your solution(s).

PLANNING: We work with you to identify your needs, formalize those needs into documented requirements, and establish a plan of action.
ACQUIRING: We will teach you what Right size, right spend really means through the optimization of your purchases.
DEPLOYING: We make sure that your deployment is organized the way you need it to be, with the least possible impact on your business, leveraging internal and partner reousrces to reach your goals.
MANAGING: Leveraging the QBx Portal, we help you re-think the management of your Microsoft deployment, and enable you to work efficiently.
DISPOSING: Regardless of your existing infrastructure or solution, we can help you, migrate your organization while decommissioning old infrastructure safely and securely.